Find Your Perfect Soul-Match Type

Upgrade Your Attraction Force In Relationships… Attract Your Partner Who Shares Your Devotion To A Path Of Evolution, Healing, Transformation, and Who Really Gets You

For spiritual powerhouse women to ignite their passion. Ascension Parnership will...


    • Get you lined up in your manifesting magic
    • Free the deep-seated, limiting familial blocks  
    • Activate your  soul aligned purpose more than ever before
    • Get juiced up with a partner that can hold you in your power 
    • Clear the old relationship cache
    • Immediately start magnetizing to you higher quality dates

Here's the thing

You know that you are meant to be divinely partnered. ... and yet - nothing has stuck

Are You…

  • ready to have deep intimacy , feel safe in your skin, be reminded of who you are, and supported with crazy love like never before… oh…and you are raised up so high in your power, too?
  •  deeply desiring your partner who can fully meet you.  Your king to your queen. 
  • over the whole “soul mate” ew (or a few) and it was a hot dramatic affair, full of feels and past life memories.


But you couldn’t create together.  And it broke your heart, your yoni, and your soul all at once making you wonder if you will ever have the deep purposeful partnership you thought you showed up here on the planet to have.  

What you REALLY want is a partner who shares your devotion to a path of evolution, healing, transformation, unity. You want to co-create a purpose sourced life together. Yes?

Now, if you’re looking for yet another “soul mate twin flame karma drama scene” – go get em tigress, – those are pretty easy to find. But you want something deeper – your Partner in Ascension.  

For that spiritual evolution, you’ve got a bit more work to do (even though you’ve done so much dang work already!  SO MUCH.).  There’s some very specific initiations to walk through before you can call in your Ascension Partner.

Please don’t feel bad that you haven’t checked off these boxes already. They are secret hidden mysteries, and have been for a long time.  They are not taught in any new agey school nor in therapy. But these mysteries are being revealed, because NOW is the time for the Ascension Partners to come together and change the world.

This what past priestess clients have to say about having their Map to Ascension Partnership

Hi! I am Eileen

I’m a survivor of corporate banking, a traveler with the Grateful Dead community, and a deep intuitive dedicated to serving humanity. For over 25 years, I’ve guided divine humans to connect deeply with their purpose and make a lasting impact on our world.

Through my own journey of corporate world recovery, I’ve realized the vital need for spiritually awakened women to be supported and energized as they lead us towards a positive future. That’s why I’m devoted to empowering and uplifting magical femmes to embrace their power and attract the support and hearth they require to get liberated.

In a world that often stifles authenticity, finding my ascension partner has been transformative. Supported, juiced up, met in my power, and held in my messy humanness — these elements form the foundation of not only my own purpose but also the cauldron for Ascension Partnership.

Welcome to a space where you can enliven your authentic presence and find deep support, healing, guidance, and strategy for partnership. It’s time for us to power up and do amazing things together. The world needs us now more than ever.

Work With Eileen

I’m not some relationship coach that has life and love all figured out, sister. I do not think you need a man to fulfill you and your plan.  But if you have the knowing – that you are supposed to be partnered so intimately deep that the word love doesn’t quite cut it,  then welcome.  You are here for this exact journey


Very Igniting Priestess Day. Five hours of priority heart clearing to open and start the healing of your timelines. You will not just open your attraction force in love, but received your love language super power activation which will get working for you immediately.

Clearing & Clarity

8 sessions over eight weeks with 24/7 support throughout the recalibration and unraveling in your everyday reality. It's having your own personal coach on call for five weeks to be your ally in your soul liberation as the curses, vows, agreements and spells are cleared from your soul blueprint.

Ascension Sisters

Ongoing membership to evolve through the accelerated ascension crazy ass times of the Now. Clearing and healing the timelines that have held the collective conditioning from patriarchal rule at he root, together, and uprise your personal aligned soul purpose to do what you came here to do all in a scared sistership. BECOME A FOUNDING MEMEBR!

© 2019 Ascension Partnership and Eileen Coates, All Rights Reserved