"Women are the architects of unity, weaving threads of connection through the spaces that divide, and illuminating the path to higher realms of understanding and love." Channeling Women's Empowerment Circle with Akasha, 2007

Ascension Partnership ~
Align Your Divine ~ Attract Your Soul-Matches
Growing up at the beach and boardwalk (I loved the fortune tellers – duh) I learned the art of sacred ceremonies, tuning in and gained mad respect for listening to the elements and tuning in to the ebbs and flows of the ocean tribe..
The “in-between” became my vantage point of seeing multidimensionally. Yes, I see things a little differently than most. Like all the worlds at once! Through the highs and lows of college, marriage, divorce, and ongoing shenanigans following the Grateful Dead in my father’s chevy van (don’t ask)I discovered that healing happens in the Gap. Amongst my adventures, I juggled jobs like corporate training in banking (gasp!) and running my own accounting gig while moonlighting as an intuitive channeling goddess guide. Who said you can’t mix cosmic wisdom with spreadsheets?
Now, I’m not just a lifelong learner; I’m a certified knowledge junkie and soul sleuth, always itching to share the latest ascension discoveries and new pathways. I’m a super Pisces empath with an Aquarius twist, making me an official mad scientist of the human spirit.
I’ve always been drawn to the “different”, oddballs, the rule-breakers, and the ones who don’t fit the cookie-cutter mold. Like You – who knows there’s more and wants to break out of the old paradigm. When faced with the status quo, I go rogue faster than you can say “levitate.”
And guess where this wild journey led me?
Right here, with you, on this rollercoaster ride of higher consciousness, soul power and purpose, and on a mission to bridge gaps, heal hearts, and crank up the unity dial. All through relating and finding my way to align and attract my soul-match partners, abundance and design my life path – my way.
We are awakening to the ever evolving, always expanding, new codes to break free from the ties that bind (aka: patriarchal poo). This right here is my jam. My coach calls us spirituality sovereignty snobs. uh – yeah!
© 2019 AscensionPartnership.com & Eileen Coates, Ascension Witch All Rights Reserved