Attract Your Perfect SoulMatch

You want more than just another karmic love lesson…  amiright? You want a real Partner who shares your devotion to a path of evolution, healing, transformation, and Who Really Gets You.


Are You…

  • ready to have deep intimacy , feel safe in your skin, be reminded of who you are, and supported with crazy love like never before… oh…and you are raised up so high in your power, too?
  •  deeply desiring your partner who can fully meet you.  Your king to your queen.  The one that fits?
  • over the betrayals and hot dramatic affairs, full of feels and past life memories that go nowhere?



Of course you are, but nothing has stuck.


You couldn’t create together.  And it broke your heart, your yoni, and your soul all at once making you wonder if you will ever have the deep purposeful deep relationship you thought you showed up here on the planet to have.  I mean… you were promised!

Are you looking to co-create a purpose sourced life together

Now, if you’re looking for yet another “soul mate twin flame karma drama scene” – go get em tigress, – those are pretty easy to find. But you want something deeper – your Partner in Ascension.  

For that spiritual evolution, you’ve got a bit more work to do (even though you’ve done so much dang work already!  SO MUCH.).  There’s some very specific initiations to walk through before you can call in your Ascension Partner.

Please don’t feel bad that you haven’t checked off these boxes already. They are secret hidden mysteries, and have been for a long time.  They are not taught in any new agey school nor in therapy. But these mysteries are being revealed, because NOW is the time for the Ascension Partners to come together and change the world.

Hello! I'm Eileen

I was leading a dual life – a corporate banker during the week, and a Grateful Dead-following hypnotherapy intuitive reader on the weekends. Eventually, I couldn’t resist the deep calling to focus on my soul gift as a healer, an energetic clearing agent of the Akashic records that represents the karmic contracts that keep us all bound and restricted from prosperity and love. I clear the curses, vows and spells that keep  women attracting the same old patterns in relationships. 

Now, I’m not some relationship coach that has life and love all figured out, sister. I do not think you need a man to fulfill you and your plan.  But if you have the knowing – the calling to be partnered so intimately deep that the word love doesn’t quite cut it,  then welcome.  You are here for this exact journey.  Welcome.

Why Ascension Witch, Why Now?

What past priestess clients are saying about working with Eileen >>>

Work With Me

Clear the blocks that have kept you attracting the same old relationships, money patterns, family entanglements, soul purpose alignment, and more as we traverse your soul blueprint and get you aligned in your attraction force.

Soul-Match Map Sessions $333

Not your ordinary intuitive reading, sister. Not just for attracting new love potentials, either. There's other stuff going, too. Welcome life in the Age of Aquarius. Where are you now, what’s the main block holding you back, and how do you get to where you want to be with clarity… this is a line-up of your attraction factors and shifting the cycles. One clearing per session with insight, support and guidance. .

Clearing The Spells VIP Day $888

Break the spells & Clear the Relationship Entanglements Download and Activate your Evolution Four hours: $888 (For a deep dip into your soul blueprint and attraction force)

Coaching On The Go Monthly $1111

You want it all and you want it now! But a set schedule just doesn’t work for you - there’s a lot going on and you are busy. Yet, accountability is everything to stay on course especially in the unraveling after clearing the curses. COTG is customized to your timing and energy availability. It’s having your own personal coach (me!) at your fingertips with kickass support for an entire month. One full hour Clearing The Spells session (scheduled), then four 15 minute kickass support sessions (not scheduled) per week to use when you want.

Ascension Priestess Cauldron

It's never been more important for women to come together as leaders, sisters, and humans. This is a community for women that are ready for their reality to evolve in an abundant, soul sourced, loved up direction. No masks, no pretenses, no faking it. Just pure, unadulterated you. If you’re here to make exactly 0 apologies for who you are and you want to gain the most powerful support network in the ascension process - Become a founding member.

© 2019 & Eileen Coates, Ascension Witch All Rights Reserved